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DepotClient = object
  accessKey*: string
  secretKey*: string
  region*: string
  endpoint*: string
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DepotError = object of CatchableError
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proc getPresignedUrl(client: DepotClient; action: string; bucket: string;
                     objectKey: string; httpMethod: string;
                     headers: HttpHeaders; query = emptyQueryParams();
                     expires = 604800): string {....raises: [DepotError],
    tags: [TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
Generates a presigned URL. Presigned URLs can be used to grant temporary access to your S3-compatible service resources. action: bucket: The name of the bucket objectKey: The key for the object in the bucket, such as /folder/name.ext httpMethod: PUT, POST, GET etc depending on the HTTP request for the URL headers: The HTTP headers to sign (must match when using the URL) expires: 1 .. 604800 seconds the signed URL is valid for Source   Edit  
proc initDepotClient(accessKey, secretKey, region, endpoint: string): DepotClient {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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